Hi everyone. I am working with eremurus species. This is my first individual work and I have 27 new sequenced chloroplast genomes of Eremurus. I want calculate Ka/Ks values between these species. I have read lots of articles like this and most of them used similar method to do it like this:
"A total of 53 coding sequences (CDSs) (>300 bp) in the plastid genome of Chamaesium were used to analyze the ratios of the synonymous site (Ks) and non-synonymous site (Ka). These 53 CDSs were aligned with MAFFT v. 7 [65]. Manual alterations were performed by MEGA6 [67]. Pairwise Ka/Ks ratios of the nine species were calculated based on the 53 CDS alignments in KaKs Calculator 2.0"
I have aligned 27 eremurus species with MAFFT in Geneious, then extracted all CDS from the alignment. Overall, 80 CDS have been extracte. All CDS have been aligned on MegaX. But when I use Ka/Ks calculator 2.0, the results appearinh for only the genes. I can't getting results between species. I mean I want Ka/Ks values between 27 species with each other. How can I do that?
Is anyone can help me? Please!!!
If there is video tutorials for this, attach it also. Please!!!
Hi, you could check a software names KaKs Calculator (DOI: 10.1016/S1672-0229(07)60007-2) not KaKs Calculator 2.0 probably, i am using it now but haven't got the result yet, hope it would be helpful.
Btw have you solved your question, i am also getting stuck by similar stuff. I would also like to get the KaKs ratio of 150 CDS sequences from 120 species, just spotted your question when i google it, may i ask how did you analyse it finally if it has been worked out?
Many thanks!