This will store the temporary files in the current working directory, the -v flag in Docker is the -B flag in Singularity, which means to mount (~connect) your current working directory inside the container as /busco_wd/
You will have a new folder in your working directory called busco_downloads which contains the models from, in this case, the viridiplantae dataset.
I know absolutely nothing about BUSCO so I cannot verify the container, but the Dockerhub page looks very well maintained with new version being released regularly.
Thanks. it is sorted. Busco installed by using following command;
And now running it with this command, is it correct command with these options? I do have plant fruit transcriptome assembly as input fasta file.
./busco_5.1.3.sif busco -i Trinity.fasta -l eukaryota_odb10 --augustus -o busco_output -m transcriptome