Hello people! I am analyzing a proteomic dataset of Solanum lycopersicum that is organized as following: Treated vs Control in a time series: TP1; TP2; TP3... On this dataset I need to perform a GeneOntology enrichment analysis in R, and I was planning to do it with the
I want to perform both ORA, (enrichment analysis on over represented tomato proteins in treated vs control on each time point) and GESA (Gene set enrichment analysis, that in this case would be the whole proteome set for each time point). Now I have two problems that are related to each other. 1) Solanum lycopersicum is not among the org.db model organism supported by clusterprofiler. I tried to import the AnnotationHub Solanum as following but it doesn't seem to work with clusterprofiler
hub <- AnnotationHub()
query(hub, c("Solanum"))
org.Sl.eg.db <- hub[["AH80808"]]
and also seems not appropriate for my aim because it doesn't contain UNIPROT-IDs either.
2) I downloaded all the GO terms associated to each UNIPROT ID for each timepoint, so I was wondering, if there is a way to start my analysis direclty from this tipe of dataset
I hope I was clear and that you people can give me a help Cheers
Take a look at goseq.