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3.4 years ago
Vasiliy Krestov
I tried to use a "update_blastdb.pl" perl skript to build a blast database locally. I ran update_blastdb.pl --decompress refseq_protein
but got this error
What do you think about it? Best regards!
You are probably having network issues. See if you can download the required files separately and then have the update script use those files.
I don't think that it's a network. I use a dedicated server from some company which is quite stable. And the program gives this error only after the first file is fully downloaded. Thanks for your suggestion, I will try other ways)
Maybe try on a different machine just in case, or download manually and verify using checksums - that might give you an idea on why the error is happening.
I think I'll download fasta records for all proteins from refseq and after that, I am going to concatenate these files in one and run makeblastdb from blast+...
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