Hello BioStars,
Is there a tool which generates mapping quality score distributions from bam files?
I know I could potentially do this myself, but I am looking for something which would essentially do the work for me, and also something which plugs in nicely to multiqc
I have had a quick search, and it is surprisingly difficult to find a tool which provides this functionality, so I am just wondering if I am missing something obvious here? The obvious candidate would be something like picard, but picard does not seem to offer this functionality from what I can tell
Thanks in advance!
There is no standard tool available possibly because of this issue.
Thank you. What I take from this is that the mapping quality is not necessarily meaningless but rather its implementation so far has been non-standard, and that the user ought to take care to really understand how their aligner has implemented the mapping quality score in the BAM/SAM output.
The link mentions BamQC (https://github.com/s-andrews/BamQC) which has the desired functionality, however, it is not yet integrated into MultiQC, although there are plans for this (https://github.com/ewels/MultiQC/issues/417)