I want to detect CNVs from BAM files (from a batch and one BAM file independently), I read a couple of posts about it, I read about recent tools: biorxiv review and Nature review. Read-depth is the most common approach and I wondered why not normalise by read-depth then use SAMTools to plot the coverage. Comparing with a control, you can infer the CNVs from a BAM file. Sound logical however I feel like I'm trying to reinvent the wheel since there are tools built for this purpose. Do you have any thoughts on it?
I know that it is possible to infer the CNVs from multiple samples but is it correct to infer CNV's from one BAM file by comparing the read-depth between a patient and control (after normalization)?
Are you trying to detect Germline CNVs? Just use cnvkit or ExomeDepth for this task!
Yes, germline, I have 2 BAMs from related individuals. Is it possible to calculate the LOH as well only from these two files?
you can call LOH even in one individual - try calling Runs-of-Homozygosity instead (plink can do this, also RohHunter https://github.com/imgag/ngs-bits/blob/master/doc/tools/RohHunter/index.md )
is it WGS, panel or WES?
you have only 2 samples, right?
WES, yes, I do have a patient and a healthy individual.