I am trying to perform a gene set enrichment analysis in r using the gene sets available from msigdb and a list of gene names from my own data set.
I am able to to use the msigdbr library to import the gene collections from msigdb into r, but I am unsure of how to specifically use a function to compute the overlaps between the genes in my gene set and the gene sets in msigdb and obtain the FDR p-values. Are there any tutorials online for this method or example codes?
Thank you
It's worth noting that fgsea is similar to GSEA-Preranked rather than to the original GSEA method published in the GSEA articles that used sample permutation.
Yes. Until very recently, the recommendation from GSEA developers was to use the pre-ranked GSEA for RNA-seq data, so that has been the default one in my mind since most transcriptomic data is RNA-seq.
OK. It's an important issue because GSEA-preranked doesn't give proper FDR control (and hasn't been claimed to do so by the GSEA developers as far as I know).