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3.4 years ago
I’m really struggling with this and I need urgent help.
I keep running the following code but after the gdcprepare function, it either crashes my computer or freezes the console. I have no idea what to do, someone please help.
library("TCGAbiolinks", quietly = T)
library("limma", quietly = T)
library("edgeR", quietly = T)
library("glmnet", quietly = T)
library("factoextra", quietly = T)
library("FactoMineR", quietly = T)
library("caret", quietly = T)
library("SummarizedExperiment", quietly = T)
library("gplots", quietly = T)
library("survival", quietly = T)
library("survminer", quietly = T)
library("RColorBrewer", quietly = T)
library("gProfileR", quietly = T)
library("genefilter", quietly = T)
## Acess GDC and get info on projects
GDCprojects = getGDCprojects()
View(GDCprojects[c("project_id", "name")])
# get details of the Kidney cancer project
## Query GDC for RNAseq data from KIRC dataset for primary tumor and normal tissue
query_TCGA_KIRC = GDCquery(
project = "TCGA-KIRC",
data.category = "Transcriptome Profiling",
access = "open",
experimental.strategy = "RNA-Seq",
workflow.type = "HTSeq - Counts",
sample.type =c("Primary Tumor", "Solid Tissue Normal"))
# make results as table
all_res = getResults(query_TCGA_KIRC)
# how many samples in each sample type
## Download the files specified in the query.
GDCdownload(query = query_TCGA_KIRC) # rerun if download fails
### Prepare the downloaded data and other associated data into an object
## load the actual RNASeq data into R
## both clinical and expression data will be present in this object
tcga_data = GDCprepare(query_TCGA_KIRC)
# Clinical data can be accessed using the colData() function
# RNAseq data can be accessed using the assay() function
dim(assay(tcga_data)) # gene expression matrices.
head(assay(tcga_data)[,1:6]) # expression of first 6 genes and first 6 samples
head(rowData(tcga_data)) # ensembl id and gene id of the first 6 genes.
# Save the data as a file
saveRDS(object = tcga_data,
file = "tcga_data.RDS",
compress = FALSE)
Are you running this on RStudio? Does the GDCprepare run to completion or does the crash happen before it's done running?