I recently ran FindMarkers to compare DEG between two different clusters in a single-cell RNA-seq analysis
This is my code:
markers= FindMarkers(obj, ident.1=c(4), ident.2 = c(5))
table(markers$avg_log2FC > 0)
table(markers4v5$p_val_adj < 0.05 & markers$avg_log2FC > 0)
I would like to run ClusterProfiler to determine differentially expressed pathways between the two different clusters. I did not run DEseq2 like the tutorial online, so just have the parameters provided from FindMarkers... p_val, avg_log2FC, p_val_adj.
Is it okay to use the p_val, avg_log2FC and gene symbol in a csv file to develop my df function and gene_list/genes and then run gseGO and enrichGO commands?
Thank you.
Great, thank you so much for your help. I will run through it and reach back out if I have any other questions!