==> cultivar_Lee.repeat.gff3 <==,
chr1 . Repeat 28 95 . + . Name=LTR/Gypsy;Family=TE_00002776_INT
chr1 . Repeat 222 267 . + . Name=LTR/Gypsy;Family=TE_00002776_INT
chr1 . Repeat 287 349 . + . Name=LTR/Gypsy;Family=TE_00002776_INT
chr1 . Repeat 430 472 . + . Name=LTR/Gypsy;Family=TE_00002776_INT
chr1 . Repeat 581 626 . + . Name=LTR/Gypsy;Family=TE_00002776_INT
chr1 . Repeat 646 708 . + . Name=LTR/Gypsy;Family=TE_00002776_INT
chr1 . Repeat 817 883 . + . Name=LTR/Gypsy;Family=TE_00002776_INT
==> cultivar_Lee.repeat.sorted.gff3 <==
chr1 . Repeat 2808 2875 . + . Name=LTR/Gypsy;family=TE_00002776_INT
chr1 . Repeat 2823 2903 . + . Name=LTR/unknown;family=TE_00001651_INT
chr1 . Repeat 4411 4473 . + . Name=LTR/Gypsy;family=TE_00002776_INT
I use gt gff3 -sortlines -tidy -retainids cultivar_Lee.repeat.gff3 > cultivar_Lee.repeat.sorted.gff3
to sort my gff3 file, but it delete some lines, why?
428925 cultivar_Lee.repeat.sorted.gff3
1194664 cultivar_Lee.repeat.gff3
About half of lines has been delete. My gff file was create by myself use R. I want use tabix for my file. Thank you!
Thank your help, I try it, it's useful to me!