I am using Diffbind to determine peaks that are significantly changing between my 2 conditions in my ATAC-Seq experiment. I want to add my own consensus peaklist that I created using bedtools to be able to integrate with my other analyses. Currently my consensus peaklist is in a bed format. looks like this:
chr1 3185152 3185266 + 0
Currently I am importing the list as table
merged_narrowPeak_sorted <- read.table("merged_narrowPeak_sorted.txt",header = FALSE, sep="\t",stringsAsFactors=FALSE, quote="")
and then I am trying to add it as a consensus peaklist using dba.peakset
consensus.peaks <- dba.peakset(NULL,peaks= merged_narrowPeak_sorted, peak.caller = "bed")
I get this error
Error in mergeScores(merged, def, peakset, TRUE) :
Not compatible with requested type: [type=character; target=double]
Should I be changing my bed file or should I be using different arguments for the dba.peakset
I tried playing around with peak caller (tried "narrow") and scoreCol =0. Currently I just want to provide a list of genomic regions I want Diffbind to quantify each of my samples for each of my peaks.