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3.7 years ago
Hello everyone.How can i do miRNA meta analysis in plant?thanks alot
Hello everyone.How can i do miRNA meta analysis in plant?thanks alot
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Hello, I can see you are new, is much better to ask for a biological/bioinformatic question rather than ask for a complete pipeline... When you ask for a question, is important to tell the people first what have you tried so far and the specific biological question you want to achieve
Hello.thank u for guidness.My main question is about Meta analysis and methods for achive to venn diagram and...... Sincerely: reza
But what have you tried so far? Which tools/software have you tried? what do you want to understand with your analysis?please elaborate your question a bit more
I use hisat2 for long noncoding RNAs.
and I need fasta format for refrence genome
Do not add an answer unless you're answering the top level question. You've started a new thread for your reference genome already, why add anything here without linking to that post?