Hi all,
I need to run blast locally on multiple fasta files contain in a directory. Previously, I have used command below:
ls *.fasta | parallel -a - blastp -query {} -db my_database -evalue 0.00001 -qcov_hsp_perc 50 -outfmt 6 -max_target_seqs 1 -out {.}.tsv
Since I need to do pairwise comparison and need to blast all fasta files against each other, the command above will need to performe multiple time because I have to specify my database. Is it possible to have a command that is able to blast all fasta file against each other? And generate output file with file name that combined the name of my database plus the query file name?
Thank you.
Small nitpick but
does not match the title of this post.
May want to edit one or other.
-db mydatabase
Thank you. Any suggestion for me to change the title of the post?
Thanks all, the command work well!