Hi everyone,
I am working on a project trying to do RNAseq on highly degraded formalin-fixed brain tissues. We extracted RNA using Qiagen FFPE RNeasy kit and the sequencing company suggested to do rRNA depletion method to prepare libraries. We sequenced with PE150 with 30-50M uniquely mapped reads out of 120M total reads. The total mapping rate is 30-50% and uniquely mapping rate is 25-45%. Most of the reads were mapped to intergenic region (~80%) while exonic read is only below 2% and intronic is 20%. I was wondering if anyone knows if it is common to see this proportion of intergenic reads in formalin-fixed tissue? Is it still possible to do any differential gene expression with data of this quality?
Regarding ways to improve data quality, I read that from Schuierer et al, 2017, that they could get 90% exonic reads with Illumina RNA Access kit to maximize proportion of exons to be sequenced but this is mostly used for human clinical samples (we have non-clinical animal tissues). Would it be worthy of trying? Thanks a lot in advance!