Dear All,
I have downloaded ovarian cancer annotation data from the TCGA using the TCGAbiolinks package (recount2 data) as follows:
ovary_rec2_tcga <- TCGAquery_recount2(project="tcga", tissue = "ovary")
tcga_sampleAnnot <- data.frame(ovary_rec2_tcga_scaled@colData)
I can check the cancer type with command like this one
# [1] "Ovarian Serous Cystadenocarcinoma"
as I am only interested in the low-grade tumors, how can I know if it is a high-grade or low-grade "Ovarian Serous Cystadenocarcinoma" ?
are there only high-grade ones in TCGA data ?
(I was not able to find this information in the recount2 annotation table...)
thanks in advance !
thanks a lot for your input !