I downloaded the vcf file. Then I used plink to convert it to a bed file and calculated the array frequency.
However, the result of plink --freq was filled with NA.
Can anyone give us an opinion?
① ./plink --vcf ebi-a-GCST010775.vcf.gz --keep-allele-order --out covid --maf 0.2 --make-bed
② wc covid.*
0 1 9194292 covid.bed
9194289 55165734 262203653 covid.bim
1 6 43 covid.fam
30 146 1068 covid.log
③ ./plink --bfile covid --out COVID_1 --freq
④ head -n 5 COVID_1.frq
CHR SNP A1 A2 MAF NCHROBS 1 rs61769339 A G NA 0
1 rs12238997 G A NA 0
1 rs61769351 C G NA 0
1 rs144155419 A G NA 0
1 rs12565286 C G NA 0