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3.3 years ago
I am following this small tutorial on how to calculate ROHs from a vcf file using bcftools (https://samtools.github.io/bcftools/howtos/roh-calling.html) and I am getting this txt file:
# This file was produced by: bcftools roh(1.10.2+htslib-1.10.2-3)
# The command line was: bcftools roh -G30 --AF-dflt 0.4 my_file.vcf
# RG [2]Sample [3]Chromosome [4]Start [5]End [6]Length (bp) [7]Number of markers [8]Quality (average fwd-bwd phred score)
# ST [2]Sample [3]Chromosome [4]Position [5]State (0:HW, 1:AZ) [6]Quality (fwd-bwd phred score)
ST Leopards_1 NC_018723.3 280 0 3.0
ST Leopards_1 NC_018723.3 281 0 27.7
ST Leopards_1 NC_018723.3 292 0 27.7
ST Leopards_1 NC_018723.3 293 0 27.7
ST Leopards_1 NC_018723.3 303 0 27.7
I am wondering how to interpret the results and how to plot them. From the plot they show I don't understand which are the ROHs areas and if there is a difference between ST and RG. Any type of help would be more than appreaciated!