I wanted to use MSPminer, which needs a tab-separated values matrix giving the number of reads mapped on genes (rows) across metagenomic samples (columns). ((namely count table))
Recently, I used metawibele, a software also helping preprocessing the fastq.gz files, but the program frequently crushing in the ''prokka" step. Then I tried to use NGLess from embl to generate that count matrix, but I only got the single colum table according the human-gut.ngl (predefined pipeline)........I think I have to modified the script from NGLess, but didn't know how.
I am not familiar with metagenomic WGS data (I used to deal with 16S amplicon data), and don't know how to generate the count table required by MSPminer.
if you are able to generate this kind of list for each of your samples then you can paste them together to create a count matrix.
Using some common linux commands (cut, sort, paste) you will get there without too much hassle.