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10.7 years ago
when i was trying to use R to visualize my VCF file I first loaded the file and compressed it:
vcf <- readVcf(str.vcf, "Genome")
compressVcf <- bgzip(vcf, tempfile())
but when i run indexTabix
idx <- indexTabix(compressVcf, "vcf")
Error in value[3L] : internal: samtools invoked 'exit(1)'; see warnings() and restart R file: /tmp/RtmpTzJzHz/filea305fdaaade In addition: Warning message: In doTryCatch(return(expr), name, parentenv, handler) : [ti_index_core] the file out of order at line 19
It seems my file is not in order, but what kind of order or how should i sort my vcf or genome ?
Do the chromosome names match EXACTLY between the vcf and the genome?
It seems my file is not in order, but what kind of order or how should i sort my vcf or genome ?