Dear, I am Kishor from Shanghai. Recently I have been trying to use RNAmmer. But yet to successfully run it. I have made two changes in the rnammer according to instructions, like as follows:
my $INSTALL_PATH = "/mnt/genome3/Lab_Users/Kishor/DISK_2/softwares/RNAmmer"
**for linux
$PERL = "/usr/bin/perl"
I also changed the hmmsearch name to 'hmmsearch2 '. And in subsequent running i use the program like as:
./rnammer -S euk -m tsu,lsu,ssu -gff blood.gff -h hmm.out -f bloodRNA.fa /mnt/mnspt1/blood/rsem_outdir/blood.Trinity.RSEM.retained.clustered.fasta
This cmd only generates two files named "temp.145363.fsa" and "". There is no gff or any output besides two. Later i run the program "core-rnammer" like as follows: ./core-rnammer
But still could not find anything new. It's getting to be a trouble for me and also I didn't not get any issue or tutorial regarding this from where I could get support. So it will be a great support for me if i get any suggestion or instruction to solve the issue. Thanks.
Hi @Mansur Thanks a lot for your kind and quick respose. The path i pasted above that took some error and i dont know why. The correct path is Disk_2. Anyway, you were correct that it requires directly the binary file of hmmsearch2 rather than the directory path only. Now it is working. Thanks again.