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3.4 years ago
Hi everyone,
I have a matrix as in example and I want to calculate the variability across the rows.
Please suggest me which test to use and which function in r can do this?
If there is code anyone can share will be much more helpful.
I appreciate the help.
Thank you Ankit
What kind of data are this?
Methylation arrays-betavalues
cgs are basically single cpg sites
Limma: https://bioconductor.org/packages/devel/workflows/vignettes/methylationArrayAnalysis/inst/doc/methylationArrayAnalysis.html
A function in Limma link (varFit) is calculating variability between two groups. But I am looking for the most variable CpG sites across samples. Simply, if the methylation value of CpG (lets say cg1) vary among sample1 to 7 then it is the variable CpG and I need statistical way to do include/exclude it. I do not have any group. These all samples are controls.
Any other approach?
I noticed the post about rowVar. The issue is how to select the threshold of variance to classify my most variable regions.