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3.4 years ago
I use Deseq2 to perform differential gene expression analysis. I have successively changed the LFC, i.e.LFC > 1.5 and LFC > 2 as shown in the following code:
dds_ALL <- DESeq(dds_ALL)
GNF_D6_vs_GNF_WT =results(dds_ALL,contrast = c("genotype","TreatedD6","TreatedWT"),lfcThreshold = 1,alpha = 0.05)
summary(GNF_D6_vs_GNF_WT,rm.na = TRUE)
treshlod <- GNF_D6_vs_GNF_WT$padj < 0.05 & abs(GNF_D6_vs_GNF_WT$log2FoldChange) >1
sig_D6WT <- data.frame(subset(GNF_D6_vs_GNF_WT,treshlod==TRUE))
write.csv(sig_D6WT ,
write.csv(rownames(sig_D6WT) ,
file="TreatedD6_vs_TreatedWT_ID.csv",row.names = FALSE)
When I keep the LFC > 1.5, all the groups of genes that have for example a LFC = 3, I expect to see the same genes when I put the LFC to 2 and with the same value of LFC, But however I notice a slight variation of the LFC of these genes instead of 3 they come back to 2.8. So I would like to know if this variation is due to the Deseq2 algorithm or due to my code?
Thank you
Take a look at the answer of Michael Love respect to this point in Bioconductor. Also, I suggest you to read the manuscript mentioned there in order to understand what DESeq2 is doing when estimates the lfc.
Thank you rodolfo.peacewalker.