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3.3 years ago
I have made a very nice tree using ggtree package. It is circular but with the fan option - ie it has an open angle. The tree has different clades that I've highlighted and I also added a remark using geom_cladelabel. BUT the labels on the cladelabels are not aligned well, and I tried fixing it with the align option to no avail
the line is:
geom_cladelabel(node=10, label="clade1", color="black", offset =2.6 , fontsoze=1.3)
I tried adding align:
geom_cladelabel(node=10, label="clade1", color="black", offset =2.6 , fontsoze=1.3, align= T)
Can anyone help? I have 10 labels to adjust and I can't seem to get how...