I want to prepare a tutorial on the logic and statistical concepts behind differential expression analysis of the limma package. My audience is biologists. So the tutorial I prepare should explain that complicated statistical concepts in simple words. What I have in my head is like the StatQuest videos. Actually, I should explain in the tutorial, this limma package's article that reviews the philosophy and design of the limma package: https://academic.oup.com/nar/article/43/7/e47/2414268 .
But I am a biologist and understanding this article is hard for me. Would you please give me a list of concepts that I should learn in order so that I can understand this article? Also please introduce to me some sources for learning them.
Wow, those posts/ebook by David Robinson are great!! thanks for sharing!
Hi @i.sudbery. Thanks for the resources you introduced. The videos of the first source are private on youtube. What is that for? Is there a way that I can watch them?
Oh sorry. That didn't used to be the case. They are video lectures from an EdX course. You can find a link here:http://rafalab.github.io/pages/teaching.html
Apparently there is a free audit option for all the courses.
There is a line on page that says:
EdX accounts are free or so says the page.