Hello, I successfully executed the diamond makedb and blastx processes, and obtained the data file containing also the taxonomic information. Of course, I ran the makedb in the correct way, including the needed files:
diamond makedb -p 4 --in /storage/RefSeq/small.nonredundant_protein.faa --taxonmap /storage/RefSeq/prot.accession2taxid --taxonnames /storage/RefSeq/names
.dmp --taxonnodes /storage/RefSeq/nodes.dmp -d refseq_protein_nonredund_diamond -v --log
And I also checked if the daa file contains all the information:
emastriani@gandalf:~/MetaVic/TestSmallDiam$ diamond view --daa blastx_diamond.daa | head
SRR957824.5 WP_048289503.1 72.9 48 13 0 1 144 61 108 3.60e-21 83.6
SRR957824.5 WP_043875529.1 67.4 46 15 0 139 2 87 132 2.45e-15 68.6
SRR957824.8 WP_047660053.1 78.0 50 11 0 150 1 394 443 1.46e-21 89.4
SRR957824.8 WP_047660053.1 86.4 44 6 0 3 134 368 411 9.51e-23 92.4
SRR957824.10 WP_102803206.1 92.6 27 2 0 81 1 28 54 2.17e-11 58.9
Also with the output format option -f 6 qseqid staxids evalue
emastriani@gandalf:~/MetaVic/TestSmallDiam$ head blastx_diamond
SRR957824.5 573 3.60e-21
SRR957824.5 570 2.45e-15
SRR957824.8 562 1.46e-21
SRR957824.8 562 9.10e-23
SRR957824.10 1134687 2.17e-11
SRR957824.10 671990 9.78e-13
SRR957824.12 208962 1.33e-20
SRR957824.12 208962 2.69e-24
SRR957824.15 53410 1.94e-04
SRR957824.16 562 3.48e-12
So, the daa output db seems to be correct. My question is: how can I browse the obtained results? It looks that the standard way is using MEGAN to make the taxonomic step and browse the results, but I don't want to repeat the taxonomic step. I could use the f6 output file to parse the results, but it's a little bit boring because I need to focus only on viruses, environmental and unknown sequences from my data. Any suggest? Thank you.