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3.3 years ago
How to create a .ped file for use in PLink? I have the following csv file:
Chromosome Position Sample1 Sample 2 ........... Sample n
Chr Pos Sam1 Sam2 Sam3, Sam 4, ......Sample_n
1 11 A T T, A, A, T, ......
2 141 G G G, T, T, G, ......
So each row contains the information for nucleotide base for all samples for specific gene locus. I have another file that has information about Phenotype scores for each sample. My only question is how can I generate a .ped file from my inputs to do GWAS analysis?
are you sure your file contains both a tab / space and comma as a separator? This seems highly unlikely and ill-formed. Maybe show us what your original file look like?
Yes the file is comma separated.
Chr, Pos, Sam1, Sam2, Sam3 ..................... Samn 1, 11, A, T, T ................. 2, 141, G, G, C ....................
Just like that.