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3.1 years ago
I'm trying to run minimap2 to assemble Oxford Nanopore reads to a reference but I keep getting the following error:
[ERROR] dual gap penalties violating E1>E2 and O1+E1<O2+E2.
Here is the command I'm running:
minimap2 -s 10 -t 4 -k 19 -B 4 -O 6 -R '"@RG\tID:"$samplename"\tSM:"$samplename"\tLB:"$samplename""' '/home/alexbyrne/mnt/VI6Storage/Raw_NGS_Data/MinION_Data/1353_Test_Run/FAO54735_SPAdes_Influenza_Database_26-10-21/top_matches.fa' '/home/alexbyrne/mnt/VI6Storage/Raw_NGS_Data/MinION_Data/1353_Test_Run/FAO54735_pass_c4ec9f31_merged.fastq' | samtools view -@ 4 -u - | samtools sort -@ 4 -o '/home/alexbyrne/mnt/VI6Storage/Raw_NGS_Data/MinION_Data/1353_Test_Run/FAO54735_pass_c4ec9f31_map_sorted.bam'
I have tried altering the values for the different flags (-s, -k, -B and -O) but I keep getting the same error.
Do you know what could be causing this issue?
Did you try with the preset
-x map-ont
I tried adding
-ax map-ont
to the above options and got the same error, but if I remove the other options then it work ok.Is
-ax map-ont
sufficient to replace the other options?Just an added query, I checked the output bam file from the above using picard ValidateSamFile and its missing the read groups. Is there a reason the -R flag is being ignored?
I don't know if there are other issues, but you enclosed the RG tags inside single quotes, so the variable
within the single quotes will be taken as literal, and won't be interpolated to its value.On a side note, it doesn't seem the RG fields you are adding are correct (though they may be). In general, several samples are prepared simultaneously with one library kit, so having
as LB filed is odd.Should be: it is a preset set by the developer of minimap2, after extensive testing.