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3.4 years ago
When I ran the following command to Fst calculation
vcftools --gzvcf All_samples.vcf.gz --weir-fst-pop Pop1_list.txt --weir-fst-pop Pop2_list.txt --fst-window-size 50000 --fst-window-step 25000 --out pop1_pop2_50_25.windowed.weir.txt
I get this error
Error:Could not open individual file: Pop1_list.txt
format of Pop1_list.txt is one individual per line like
what is wrong?
Thank you for response; Current working directory located in the one external harddisk that contain only pop1_list.txt and also pop2_list.txt files. The inputted vcf file locate in another folder.
Did you mean the information I gave or do you need other information to help me?
If these files are in different folders, then your command, as run, will produce an error. Can you please look up 'absolute' and 'relative' paths?
I put all the input files in one folder and tried running vcftools with absolute and relative paths and unfortunately, still the problem is not solved. Is it possible that my individual files were not prepared properly?But in every file, there should not be people related to a population, each individual per line?
i have 16 samples that 10 samples belong to pop1 and 6 to pop2. I created two text files containing 10 and 6 lines, respectively.