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3.1 years ago
I'm running Hisat2 with the code below:
hisat2 -p 9 -f ../0.Reference/CHO-PICRH -1 ../2.Trimmomatic/ERR2593198_1_trimmed.fastq.gz -2 ../2.Trimmomatic/ERR2593198_2_trimmed.fastq.gz 2> ../3.HISAT/ERR25593198.log| samtools view -Sbo ../3.HISAT/ERR2593198.bam
It's been running over 24 hours but it doesn't seem work well.
Can you please check the code above and help me solve the problem? (I also attached a screen capture)
Have you opened another terminal to 1) check that log file you are creating for errors or progress messages and 2) use top or htop to take a look at running processes?
yes, hisat2+ is keep running for several hours on 'top' but as shown in the screen capture, the .log is empty