Hi Guys,
I am running GATK on bam file for variant calling. In the output file, I noticed that the Allele frequency is computed as 0.5 and 1.00. What may be the reason for this? Is it calculated correctly?
Hi Guys,
I am running GATK on bam file for variant calling. In the output file, I noticed that the Allele frequency is computed as 0.5 and 1.00. What may be the reason for this? Is it calculated correctly?
do you have only one sample ? the genotype is either heterozygous AN=2 AC=1 then AF=0.5 , or homozygous on ALT allele: AN=2, AC=2 then AF=1.0.
If you are looking to add VAF values, consider using:
bcftools +fill-tags in.bcf -Ob -o out.bcf -- -t FORMAT/VAF
See bcftools plugin docs here:
And further discussion of MAF and VAF here:
Calculation of VAF (variant allele frequency)
freq(a) =( sum(samples_with_geno_aa x 2) + sum(samples_with_geno_Aa)) / (samples x 2)
Hi Pierre,
Thank you so much. The link you provided is very helpful which includes two aspects as Joint Variant Calling (from bam) and Joint Genotyping (from vcf). I found command for Joint genotyping https://biohpc.cornell.edu/lab/doc/Variant_exercise.pdf.
However, I could not find any command for variant calling from multiple bam files. Can you please help in this regard?
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The information you provide is insufficient to get the right answer
is your VCF file multi-sample?
your variants are biallelic?