I am getting confused about the ChIP-seq heatmap concept.
In particular, what should be the .bed file exactly? For example while using deeptools before plotHeatmap, computeMatrix is used and you should provide bigwig file and a bed file.
Bigwig file should be the chipseq sample coverage and what should be the bed file in a typical chip-seq enrichment heatmap (usually defined as center, or indicated with 0)? Where should I find the particular bed file.
In the documentation it is also defined as the bed file is the genes (locations). So, also center, 0, and TSS are actually the same thing?
Thank you very much in advance.
Thank you so much. It is more clear for me . So according to my understanding, for a typical representation of a transcription factor chip-seq signal, I should use bed file of the genes (in my case it is hg19). So can I find it on web or should I conduct additional particular analysis to generate gene bed file for that particular chip-seq experiment? I hope you would answer me back. Thank you in advance. Best
There are many ways to do this. But it is difficult to define what is a gene (as they have many transcripts). To get all isoforms, a quick example could be to go to the UCSC table browser, and use the options I show you in this image to output all the isoforms in BED format:
Other ways to get "genes", for example, in R you could do:
Nonetheless, probably the best thing for any project would be to use download the GTF from your genome build (i.e. the GTF/GFF file which is next to the FASTA file of the genome you used, from UCSC, or Gencode or whatever) and use that for everything. You can then use many strategies to get the BED of gene coordinates, such as those described in these posts.
Thank you so much, it is definitely clear for me now.
So, If I want to plot a profile to display TSS-TES region, the region body length as 5000 bp, the before & after region start length as 3000 bp (computematrix parameter). Should I create a BED file where each line represents the start and end positions of a transcript? Is it correct for me to use this command to generate a BED file?