Hi, I have 6 single cell RNA-seq datasets that I'm running through the Seurat pipeline to identify differentially expressed genes across the two conditions. So, I want to remove doublets from the data, and one of the best tools for that is suggested to be DoubletFinder.
Part of the "tutorial" for doublet finder from their github page (https://github.com/chris-mcginnis-ucsf/DoubletFinder) is to adjust for homotypic doublets as the package has difficulty identifying them, adjustments prevents some false positive doublets being identified.
Thats performed in the code:
homotypic.prop <- modelHomotypic(annotations) ## ex: annotations <- seu_kidney@meta.data$ClusteringResults
nExp_poi <- round(0.075*nrow(seu_kidney@meta.data)) ## Assuming 7.5% doublet formation rate - tailor for your dataset
nExp_poi.adj <- round(nExp_poi*(1-homotypic.prop))
The problem is they don't explain how to get the ClusteringResults meta.data so I'm not sure how to perform that correction.
Any help in understanding how to produce that information is appreciated as well as any other information on the package as tutorials on it are hard to find. The only tutorial I have found is - https://nbisweden.github.io/workshop-scRNAseq/labs/compiled/seurat/seurat_01_qc.html#Predict_doublets , but they don't perform this correction.