I am a first time user for ClinVar API, and I am trying to find a way to automate some variants I have to an end goal of looking for any clinical significance. I know that I can find the XML I want to parse using the variation ID (example: https://eutils.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/eutils/efetch.fcgi?db=clinvar&rettype=vcv&is_variationid&id=165381&from_esearch=true), but I am trying to automate actually getting the variation ID rather than google each variant I have for it. I have the variant itself (eg. TP53c.455dupC) and transcript ID (eg. NM_001126114.2) for each; will I be able to use either of these in order to obtain the variation ID via a script?
Best, Roy
If you have the transcript identifier and the HGVS string, you can search ClinVar directly as follows:
You may want to do this based on gene name search (truncated for space). I think first column is VariationID.
Searching with NM_001126114 leads to this same set of results.