Recently I received sequencing results from my universities sequencing core. 85% of my library was assigned to a barcode that was not supposed to be in my library. I had 27 samples in total, and the other 27 have very low coverage because of this contaminated bar code.
I prepare DNA sequencing libraries pretty routinely and have never had this problem. Additionally, I used this same adapter plate less than a week ago and it worked fine (IDT for Illumina TruSeq DNA UD Indexes (96 indexes, 96 samples)). I was wondering if anyone has ever had this problem and has any advice or recommendations for me.
85% of my library was assigned to a barcode that was not supposed to
be in my library.
Astonished that they gave you contaminated data after finding that out. Considering that you want to keep your relationship with the core going you should reach out to the appropriate person see if they can walk through a diagnostic routine to figure out where the problem may have arisen.
That said, if the core simply took the pool you submitted and ran it then you have a problem on your hands that you will need to sort out.