I am trying to calculate PRS in UKBB individuals for a binary trait (T2D). For that I am using the PRSice 2 software, This is how my code looks like,
Rscript PRSice.R \
--prsice PRSice_linux \
--dir . \
--base base.BMI.adjn.txt \
--target T2test# \
--snp rsID \
--chr CHR \
--bp BP \
--A2 A2 \
--A1 A1 \
--stat BETA \
--binary-target T \
--pvalue Pvalue \
--out T2results
But I am getting error,
Error in getopt_options(object, args) : Error in getopt(spec = spec, opt = args) : " " is not a valid option, or does not support an argument Calls: parse_args -> parse_options -> getopt_options Execution halted
Please help me in solving this issue
I don't know what this program is, but it would seem that the pound sign (
) will cause problems.