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3.1 years ago
Hi, For some reason using deeptools computematrix reference-point center I get instead of TSS and TSE positions I am getting one mark that says center. I'm not sure what is causing the issue?
computeMatrix reference-point -p 1 --referencePoint center -R bedfiles -S wigfiles --binSize 5000 -b 5000 -a 5000 --skipZeros --missingDataAsZero
plotHeatmap -m matrix --missingDataColor "white" -out x.pdf
(base) bash-4.1$ deeptools --version
deeptools 3.5.1 and other verions.
Can you explain the issue a bit more? What type of visualization/matrix are you after and what are you getting? The gallery has some example plots that use different reference points, maybe those are helpful to illustrate the problem you have.
I have a run of deeptools that is working and it header in matrix looks like this:
However, the one from the header not working is using 1 less -R bed file as input and its header looks like and different -S. Its header looks like this:
You can see that the body here has values [0,0,0] where as the working one has body [5000,5000,5000]. I'm not sure why the headers different. I basically use the same parameters and version of deeptools.