Say I have done DESeq2 on my RNA-Seq dataset: experimental vs. control
DESeq2 has a column for BH - adjusted Pvalues and I plan to take the genes with less than < 0.05 adj. pvalue and run it with DAVID and use their functional annotation clustering tool.
I run GSEA (ranked by Signal2Noise and permutated by gene type since each condition had only 6 samples each) with the whole gene list against msigdb C5 GO BP gene sets and had the Enrichment Map app ( with permissive parameters such as p-value <0.05 and FDR q-value <0.25 and a overlap coefficient of 0.5) on Cytoscape to visualize the network. I then used AutoAnnotate to annotate clusters based on frequencies of GO BP words in the clusters.
Can I say that the clusters found in DAVID are significant and compare the GO BP terms found in DAVID to GSEA GO BP terms and do analysis?
Thanks for the comment, I’ll look into this method