GATK HaplotypeCaller works without GVCF option, but errors with GVCF
Entering edit mode
3.0 years ago

I've extracted chromosome 4 from a whole genome bam file as follows:

samtools view -h "$BAM" chr4 > "$EXT/temp/"$PREFIX"_chr4.sam"
samtools view -bS "$EXT"/temp/$PREFIX"_chr4.sam" > "$EXT"/temp/$PREFIX"_chr4.bam"

Then added read groups, as required by GATK

picard AddOrReplaceReadGroups I="$BAM" O="$EXT"/temp/$PREFIX"_chr4_rg.bam" RGID=4 RGLB=lib1 RGPL=ILLUMINA RGPU=unit1 RGSM=20

Index the bam:

samtools index "$BAM"

Download the reference chromosome 4, index it and create the dictionary for gatk:

curl | gunzip -c > ~/refs/hg19/chr4.fa
samtools faidx $REF
bwa index $REF
bowtie2-build $REF $REF
picard CreateSequenceDictionary REFERENCE="$REF" OUTPUT=~/refs/hg19/$ACC.dict

Then I run the normal GATK variant calling with this, which works.

gatk HaplotypeCaller -R $REF -I "$BAM" -O "$DIR"/gatk/$PREFIX"_chr4_HaplotypeCaller.vcf"

But when I run it with the GVCF option, I get the error below:

gatk HaplotypeCaller -R $REF -I "$BAM" -O "$DIR"/gatk/$PREFIX"_chr4_HaplotypeCallerPGT.vcf" -ERC GVCF

The important line in the error seems to be:

A USER ERROR has occurred: Contig: chrM not found in reference dictionary.
Please check that you are using a compatible reference for your data.
Reference Contigs: [chr4]

But here is the full error:

$ gatk HaplotypeCaller -R $REF -I "$BAM" -O "$DIR"/gatk/$PREFIX"_chr4_HaplotypeCallerPGT.vcf" -ERC GVCF
Using GATK jar /Users/michaelflower/opt/anaconda3/envs/gatk4/share/gatk4-
    java -Dsamjdk.use_async_io_read_samtools=false -Dsamjdk.use_async_io_write_samtools=true -Dsamjdk.use_async_io_write_tribble=false -Dsamjdk.compression_level=2 -jar /Users/michaelflower/opt/anaconda3/envs/gatk4/share/gatk4- HaplotypeCaller -R /Users/michaelflower/refs/hg19/chr4.fa -I /Volumes/Seagate Expansion Drive/temp/125QiPSC_chr4_rg.bam -O /Users/michaelflower/Documents/ACL/Research/Projects/HTT ASO/2021.11.17 125Q vcf query/gatk/125QiPSC_chr4_HaplotypeCallerPGT.vcf -ERC GVCF
15:51:48.424 INFO  NativeLibraryLoader - Loading libgkl_compression.dylib from jar:file:/Users/michaelflower/opt/anaconda3/envs/gatk4/share/gatk4-!/com/intel/gkl/native/libgkl_compression.dylib
Nov 17, 2021 3:51:48 PM runningOnComputeEngine
INFO: Failed to detect whether we are running on Google Compute Engine.
15:51:48.827 INFO  HaplotypeCaller - ------------------------------------------------------------
15:51:48.828 INFO  HaplotypeCaller - The Genome Analysis Toolkit (GATK) v4.2.3.0
15:51:48.828 INFO  HaplotypeCaller - For support and documentation go to
15:51:48.828 INFO  HaplotypeCaller - Executing as michaelflower@Michaels-MacBook-Pro-2.local on Mac OS X v10.16 x86_64
15:51:48.828 INFO  HaplotypeCaller - Java runtime: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM v1.8.0_302-b08
15:51:48.828 INFO  HaplotypeCaller - Start Date/Time: 17 November 2021 15:51:48 GMT
15:51:48.829 INFO  HaplotypeCaller - ------------------------------------------------------------
15:51:48.829 INFO  HaplotypeCaller - ------------------------------------------------------------
15:51:48.829 INFO  HaplotypeCaller - HTSJDK Version: 2.24.1
15:51:48.829 INFO  HaplotypeCaller - Picard Version: 2.25.4
15:51:48.829 INFO  HaplotypeCaller - Built for Spark Version: 2.4.5
15:51:48.829 INFO  HaplotypeCaller - HTSJDK Defaults.COMPRESSION_LEVEL : 2
15:51:48.830 INFO  HaplotypeCaller - HTSJDK Defaults.USE_ASYNC_IO_READ_FOR_SAMTOOLS : false
15:51:48.830 INFO  HaplotypeCaller - HTSJDK Defaults.USE_ASYNC_IO_WRITE_FOR_SAMTOOLS : true
15:51:48.830 INFO  HaplotypeCaller - HTSJDK Defaults.USE_ASYNC_IO_WRITE_FOR_TRIBBLE : false
15:51:48.830 INFO  HaplotypeCaller - Deflater: IntelDeflater
15:51:48.830 INFO  HaplotypeCaller - Inflater: IntelInflater
15:51:48.830 INFO  HaplotypeCaller - GCS max retries/reopens: 20
15:51:48.830 INFO  HaplotypeCaller - Requester pays: disabled
15:51:48.830 INFO  HaplotypeCaller - Initializing engine
15:51:49.333 INFO  HaplotypeCaller - Done initializing engine
15:51:49.335 INFO  HaplotypeCallerEngine - Tool is in reference confidence mode and the annotation, the following changes will be made to any specified annotations: 'StrandBiasBySample' will be enabled. 'ChromosomeCounts', 'FisherStrand', 'StrandOddsRatio' and 'QualByDepth' annotations have been disabled
15:51:49.341 INFO  HaplotypeCallerEngine - Standard Emitting and Calling confidence set to 0.0 for reference-model confidence output
15:51:49.341 INFO  HaplotypeCallerEngine - All sites annotated with PLs forced to true for reference-model confidence output
15:51:49.359 INFO  NativeLibraryLoader - Loading libgkl_utils.dylib from jar:file:/Users/michaelflower/opt/anaconda3/envs/gatk4/share/gatk4-!/com/intel/gkl/native/libgkl_utils.dylib
15:51:49.500 WARN  NativeLibraryLoader - Unable to find native library: native/libgkl_pairhmm_omp.dylib
15:51:49.500 INFO  PairHMM - OpenMP multi-threaded AVX-accelerated native PairHMM implementation is not supported
15:51:49.501 INFO  NativeLibraryLoader - Loading libgkl_pairhmm.dylib from jar:file:/Users/michaelflower/opt/anaconda3/envs/gatk4/share/gatk4-!/com/intel/gkl/native/libgkl_pairhmm.dylib
15:51:49.712 INFO  IntelPairHmm - Flush-to-zero (FTZ) is enabled when running PairHMM
15:51:49.713 WARN  IntelPairHmm - Ignoring request for 4 threads; not using OpenMP implementation
15:51:49.713 INFO  PairHMM - Using the AVX-accelerated native PairHMM implementation
15:51:49.780 INFO  ProgressMeter - Starting traversal
15:51:49.781 INFO  ProgressMeter -        Current Locus  Elapsed Minutes     Regions Processed   Regions/Minute
15:51:49.834 INFO  VectorLoglessPairHMM - Time spent in setup for JNI call : 0.0
15:51:49.834 INFO  PairHMM - Total compute time in PairHMM computeLogLikelihoods() : 0.0
15:51:49.834 INFO  SmithWatermanAligner - Total compute time in java Smith-Waterman : 0.00 sec
15:51:49.835 INFO  HaplotypeCaller - Shutting down engine
[17 November 2021 15:51:49 GMT] done. Elapsed time: 0.02 minutes.

A USER ERROR has occurred: Contig: chrM not found in reference dictionary.
Please check that you are using a compatible reference for your data.
Reference Contigs: [chr4]

Set the system property GATK_STACKTRACE_ON_USER_EXCEPTION (--java-options '-DGATK_STACKTRACE_ON_USER_EXCEPTION=true') to print the stack trace.
picard GATK conda • 1.9k views
Entering edit mode
3.0 years ago

The problem is unrelated to GVCF mode. you're not using the same dictionary/reference sequence that was used to map the whole BAM. It looks like your reference/fasta/dict only contains chr4

A USER ERROR has occurred: Contig: chrM not found in reference dictionary.
Please check that you are using a compatible reference for your data.
Reference Contigs: [chr4]

this is bad:

(...)  -R /Users/michaelflower/refs/hg19/chr4.fa  (...)

don't split your reference, use the original whole fasta sequence.

Entering edit mode

That's true, I've added the script above, but I re downloaded just chr4 reference and used that. Shall I use the whole hg19 reference genome then?

Entering edit mode

Shall I use the whole hg19 reference genome then?


Entering edit mode

Under way, I'll let you know how it goes

Entering edit mode

Unfortunately it's still not working with the full hg19 reference. The vcf file produced only has one line:

chrM    1   .   G   <NON_REF>   .   .   END=16571   GT:DP:GQ:MIN_DP:PL  0/0:0:0:0:0,0,0

I didn't make the original bam file, but the people who did say they used hg19 from UCSC,

The steps I used to make the vcf file above were:

Download hg19 reference, index it and create dictionary for GATK:

curl | gunzip -c > ~/refs/hg19/hg19.fa
samtools faidx $REF
bwa index $REF
bowtie2-build $REF $REF
picard CreateSequenceDictionary REFERENCE="$REF" OUTPUT=~/refs/hg19/$ACC.dict

Then the steps above, including variant calling with:

gatk HaplotypeCaller -R $REF -I "$BAM" -O "$DIR"/gatk/$PREFIX"_chr4_HaplotypeCallerPGT.vcf" -ERC GVCF

But this gives the following output:

Using GATK jar /Users/michaelflower/opt/anaconda3/envs/gatk4/share/gatk4-
    java -Dsamjdk.use_async_io_read_samtools=false -Dsamjdk.use_async_io_write_samtools=true -Dsamjdk.use_async_io_write_tribble=false -Dsamjdk.compression_level=2 -jar /Users/michaelflower/opt/anaconda3/envs/gatk4/share/gatk4- HaplotypeCaller -R /Users/michaelflower/refs/hg19/hg19.fa -I /Volumes/Seagate Expansion Drive/temp/125QiPSC_chr4_rg.bam -O /Users/michaelflower/Documents/ACL/Research/Projects/HTT ASO/2021.11.17 125Q vcf query/gatk/125QiPSC_chr4_HaplotypeCallerPGT.vcf -ERC GVCF
18:46:41.314 INFO  NativeLibraryLoader - Loading libgkl_compression.dylib from jar:file:/Users/michaelflower/opt/anaconda3/envs/gatk4/share/gatk4-!/com/intel/gkl/native/libgkl_compression.dylib
Nov 17, 2021 6:46:42 PM runningOnComputeEngine
INFO: Failed to detect whether we are running on Google Compute Engine.
18:46:42.126 INFO  HaplotypeCaller - ------------------------------------------------------------
18:46:42.127 INFO  HaplotypeCaller - The Genome Analysis Toolkit (GATK) v4.2.3.0
18:46:42.127 INFO  HaplotypeCaller - For support and documentation go to
18:46:42.127 INFO  HaplotypeCaller - Executing as michaelflower@Michaels-MacBook-Pro-2.local on Mac OS X v10.16 x86_64
18:46:42.127 INFO  HaplotypeCaller - Java runtime: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM v1.8.0_302-b08
18:46:42.127 INFO  HaplotypeCaller - Start Date/Time: 17 November 2021 18:46:41 GMT
18:46:42.127 INFO  HaplotypeCaller - ------------------------------------------------------------
18:46:42.127 INFO  HaplotypeCaller - ------------------------------------------------------------
18:46:42.128 INFO  HaplotypeCaller - HTSJDK Version: 2.24.1
18:46:42.128 INFO  HaplotypeCaller - Picard Version: 2.25.4
18:46:42.128 INFO  HaplotypeCaller - Built for Spark Version: 2.4.5
18:46:42.128 INFO  HaplotypeCaller - HTSJDK Defaults.COMPRESSION_LEVEL : 2
18:46:42.128 INFO  HaplotypeCaller - HTSJDK Defaults.USE_ASYNC_IO_READ_FOR_SAMTOOLS : false
18:46:42.128 INFO  HaplotypeCaller - HTSJDK Defaults.USE_ASYNC_IO_WRITE_FOR_SAMTOOLS : true
18:46:42.128 INFO  HaplotypeCaller - HTSJDK Defaults.USE_ASYNC_IO_WRITE_FOR_TRIBBLE : false
18:46:42.128 INFO  HaplotypeCaller - Deflater: IntelDeflater
18:46:42.128 INFO  HaplotypeCaller - Inflater: IntelInflater
18:46:42.128 INFO  HaplotypeCaller - GCS max retries/reopens: 20
18:46:42.128 INFO  HaplotypeCaller - Requester pays: disabled
18:46:42.129 INFO  HaplotypeCaller - Initializing engine
18:46:42.624 INFO  HaplotypeCaller - Done initializing engine
18:46:42.627 INFO  HaplotypeCallerEngine - Tool is in reference confidence mode and the annotation, the following changes will be made to any specified annotations: 'StrandBiasBySample' will be enabled. 'ChromosomeCounts', 'FisherStrand', 'StrandOddsRatio' and 'QualByDepth' annotations have been disabled
18:46:42.636 INFO  HaplotypeCallerEngine - Standard Emitting and Calling confidence set to 0.0 for reference-model confidence output
18:46:42.637 INFO  HaplotypeCallerEngine - All sites annotated with PLs forced to true for reference-model confidence output
18:46:42.655 INFO  NativeLibraryLoader - Loading libgkl_utils.dylib from jar:file:/Users/michaelflower/opt/anaconda3/envs/gatk4/share/gatk4-!/com/intel/gkl/native/libgkl_utils.dylib
18:46:42.849 WARN  NativeLibraryLoader - Unable to find native library: native/libgkl_pairhmm_omp.dylib
18:46:42.849 INFO  PairHMM - OpenMP multi-threaded AVX-accelerated native PairHMM implementation is not supported
18:46:42.850 INFO  NativeLibraryLoader - Loading libgkl_pairhmm.dylib from jar:file:/Users/michaelflower/opt/anaconda3/envs/gatk4/share/gatk4-!/com/intel/gkl/native/libgkl_pairhmm.dylib
18:46:43.081 INFO  IntelPairHmm - Flush-to-zero (FTZ) is enabled when running PairHMM
18:46:43.082 WARN  IntelPairHmm - Ignoring request for 4 threads; not using OpenMP implementation
18:46:43.082 INFO  PairHMM - Using the AVX-accelerated native PairHMM implementation
18:46:43.129 INFO  ProgressMeter - Starting traversal
18:46:43.130 INFO  ProgressMeter -        Current Locus  Elapsed Minutes     Regions Processed   Regions/Minute
18:46:53.131 INFO  ProgressMeter -        chr1:10191901              0.2                 34030         204180.0
18:47:03.130 INFO  ProgressMeter -        chr1:25089901              0.3                 83690         251070.0
18:47:13.130 INFO  ProgressMeter -        chr1:41172901              0.5                137300         274600.0
18:47:23.131 INFO  ProgressMeter -        chr1:50784901              0.7                169340         254003.6
18:47:33.136 INFO  ProgressMeter -        chr1:62814901              0.8                209440         251302.9
18:47:43.135 INFO  ProgressMeter -        chr1:74940901              1.0                249860         249839.2
18:47:53.136 INFO  ProgressMeter -        chr1:90363901              1.2                301270         258209.3
18:48:04.512 INFO  ProgressMeter -       chr1:105684901              1.4                352340         259767.5
18:48:14.512 INFO  ProgressMeter -       chr1:120819901              1.5                402790         264465.6
18:48:24.512 INFO  ProgressMeter -       chr1:137817901              1.7                459450         271912.2
18:48:34.657 INFO  ProgressMeter -       chr1:153876901              1.9                512980         275976.2
18:48:44.657 INFO  ProgressMeter -       chr1:168645901              2.0                562210         277572.9
18:48:54.658 INFO  ProgressMeter -       chr1:183276901              2.2                610980         278714.8
18:49:04.658 INFO  ProgressMeter -       chr1:197418901              2.4                658120         279006.3
18:49:14.659 INFO  ProgressMeter -       chr1:211458901              2.5                704920         279124.7
18:49:24.658 INFO  ProgressMeter -       chr1:223989901              2.7                746690         277360.0
18:49:34.788 INFO  ProgressMeter -       chr1:236559901              2.9                788590         275637.6
18:49:44.792 INFO  ProgressMeter -       chr1:245133901              3.0                817170         269899.4
18:50:09.670 INFO  HaplotypeCaller - Shutting down engine
[17 November 2021 18:50:09 GMT] done. Elapsed time: 3.47 minutes.
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
    at org.broadinstitute.hellbender.utils.MathUtils.median(
    at org.broadinstitute.hellbender.utils.variant.writers.GVCFBlock.getMedianDP(
    at org.broadinstitute.hellbender.utils.variant.writers.HomRefBlock.createHomRefGenotype(
    at org.broadinstitute.hellbender.utils.variant.writers.GVCFBlock.toVariantContext(
    at org.broadinstitute.hellbender.utils.variant.writers.GVCFBlockCombiner.emitCurrentBlock(
    at org.broadinstitute.hellbender.utils.variant.writers.GVCFBlockCombiner.signalEndOfInput(
    at org.broadinstitute.hellbender.utils.variant.writers.GVCFWriter.close(
    at org.broadinstitute.hellbender.engine.GATKTool.doWork(
    at org.broadinstitute.hellbender.cmdline.CommandLineProgram.runTool(
    at org.broadinstitute.hellbender.cmdline.CommandLineProgram.instanceMainPostParseArgs(
    at org.broadinstitute.hellbender.cmdline.CommandLineProgram.instanceMain(
    at org.broadinstitute.hellbender.Main.runCommandLineProgram(
    at org.broadinstitute.hellbender.Main.mainEntry(
    at org.broadinstitute.hellbender.Main.main(
Entering edit mode

please, read the error message: the problem is unrelated to your original question.

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space

set -XmX see

and "4. Adding Java arguments" in

Entering edit mode

Thank you, I've had a good read of those pages. I added the argument

--java-options "-Xmx4G"

But unfortunately I still get the java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space error

$ gatk HaplotypeCaller -R $REF -I "$BAM" -O "$DIR"/gatk/$PREFIX"_chr4_HaplotypeCallerPGT.vcf" -ERC GVCF --java-options "-Xmx4G"
Using GATK jar /Users/michaelflower/opt/anaconda3/envs/gatk4/share/gatk4-


Truncated for space

confidence mode and the annotation, the following changes will be made to any specified annotations: 'StrandBiasBySample' will be enabled. 'ChromosomeCounts', 'FisherStrand', 'StrandOddsRatio' and 'QualByDepth' annotations have been disabled
22:55:45.905 INFO  HaplotypeCallerEngine - Standard Emitting and Calling confidence set to 0.0 for reference-model confidence output
22:55:45.905 INFO  HaplotypeCallerEngine - All sites annotated with PLs forced to true for reference-model confidence output
22:55:45.940 INFO  NativeLibraryLoader - Loading libgkl_utils.dylib from jar:file:/Users/michaelflower/opt/anaconda3/envs/gatk4/share/gatk4-!/com/intel/gkl/native/libgkl_utils.dylib
22:55:46.085 WARN  NativeLibraryLoader - Unable to find native library: native/libgkl_pairhmm_omp.dylib
22:55:46.086 INFO  PairHMM - OpenMP multi-threaded AVX-accelerated native PairHMM implementation is not supported
22:55:46.086 INFO  NativeLibraryLoader - Loading libgkl_pairhmm.dylib from jar:file:/Users/michaelflower/opt/anaconda3/envs/gatk4/share/gatk4-!/com/intel/gkl/native/libgkl_pairhmm.dylib
22:55:46.268 INFO  IntelPairHmm - Flush-to-zero (FTZ) is enabled when running PairHMM
22:55:46.269 WARN  IntelPairHmm - Ignoring request for 4 threads; not using OpenMP implementation
22:55:46.269 INFO  PairHMM - Using the AVX-accelerated native PairHMM implementation
22:55:46.339 INFO  ProgressMeter - Starting traversal
22:55:46.339 INFO  ProgressMeter -        Current Locus  Elapsed Minutes     Regions Processed   Regions/Minute
22:55:56.342 INFO  ProgressMeter -         chr1:5412901              0.2                 18100         108600.0
22:56:06.341 INFO  ProgressMeter -        chr1:11346901              0.3                 37880         113634.3
22:56:16.341 INFO  ProgressMeter -        chr1:19770901              0.5                 65960         131911.2
22:56:26.342 INFO  ProgressMeter -        chr1:31377901              0.7                104650         156963.2
22:56:36.342 INFO  ProgressMeter -        chr1:43488901              0.8                145020         174013.6
22:56:46.345 INFO  ProgressMeter -        chr1:51756901              1.0                172580         172562.7
22:56:56.347 INFO  ProgressMeter -        chr1:61461901              1.2                204930         175634.2
22:57:06.585 INFO  ProgressMeter -        chr1:70170901              1.3                233960         174934.3
22:57:16.585 INFO  ProgressMeter -        chr1:80082901              1.5                267000         177516.8
22:57:26.586 INFO  ProgressMeter -        chr1:89595901              1.7                298710         178784.4
22:57:36.589 INFO  ProgressMeter -        chr1:96369901              1.8                321290         174851.7
22:57:47.026 INFO  ProgressMeter -       chr1:103842901              2.0                346200         172114.6
22:57:57.026 INFO  ProgressMeter -       chr1:110505901              2.2                368410         169141.5
22:58:07.033 INFO  ProgressMeter -       chr1:118296901              2.3                394380         168187.5
22:58:17.034 INFO  ProgressMeter -       chr1:125025901              2.5                416810         165955.1
22:58:27.038 INFO  ProgressMeter -       chr1:132084901              2.7                440340         164410.3
22:58:37.039 INFO  ProgressMeter -       chr1:138627901              2.8                462150         162442.9
22:58:47.040 INFO  ProgressMeter -       chr1:145959901              3.0                486590         161568.3
22:58:57.062 INFO  ProgressMeter -       chr1:150723901              3.2                502470         158073.2
22:59:07.397 INFO  ProgressMeter -       chr1:157704901              3.4                525740         156892.0
22:59:17.979 INFO  ProgressMeter -       chr1:163350901              3.5                544560         154382.9
22:59:27.980 INFO  ProgressMeter -       chr1:168354901              3.7                561240         151932.2
22:59:37.981 INFO  ProgressMeter -       chr1:173850901              3.9                579560         150117.9
22:59:47.982 INFO  ProgressMeter -       chr1:178047901              4.0                593550         147378.6
22:59:57.982 INFO  ProgressMeter -       chr1:183978901              4.2                613320         146235.7
23:00:07.982 INFO  ProgressMeter -       chr1:190551901              4.4                635230         145671.0
23:00:19.298 INFO  ProgressMeter -       chr1:197019901              4.5                656790         144371.1
23:00:29.298 INFO  ProgressMeter -       chr1:201786901              4.7                672680         142638.3
23:00:39.298 INFO  ProgressMeter -       chr1:208509901              4.9                695090         142359.2
23:00:49.376 INFO  ProgressMeter -       chr1:213855901              5.1                712910         141153.1
23:00:59.376 INFO  ProgressMeter -       chr1:220383901              5.2                734670         140814.7
23:01:09.501 INFO  ProgressMeter -       chr1:226479901              5.4                754990         140175.5
23:01:20.316 INFO  ProgressMeter -       chr1:231741901              5.6                772530         138787.4
23:01:30.316 INFO  ProgressMeter -       chr1:236151901              5.7                787230         137316.7
23:01:40.318 INFO  ProgressMeter -       chr1:238332901              5.9                794500         134669.4
23:01:50.319 INFO  ProgressMeter -       chr1:243987901              6.1                813350         134076.4
23:05:11.503 INFO  HaplotypeCaller - Shutting down engine
[17 November 2021 23:05:11 GMT] done. Elapsed time: 9.45 minutes.
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
    at org.broadinstitute.hellbender.utils.MathUtils.median(
    at org.broadinstitute.hellbender.utils.variant.writers.GVCFBlock.getMedianDP(
    at org.broadinstitute.hellbender.utils.variant.writers.HomRefBlock.createHomRefGenotype(
    at org.broadinstitute.hellbender.utils.variant.writers.GVCFBlock.toVariantContext(
    at org.broadinstitute.hellbender.utils.variant.writers.GVCFBlockCombiner.emitCurrentBlock(
    at org.broadinstitute.hellbender.utils.variant.writers.GVCFBlockCombiner.signalEndOfInput(
    at org.broadinstitute.hellbender.utils.variant.writers.GVCFWriter.close(
    at org.broadinstitute.hellbender.engine.GATKTool.doWork(
    at org.broadinstitute.hellbender.cmdline.CommandLineProgram.runTool(
    at org.broadinstitute.hellbender.cmdline.CommandLineProgram.instanceMainPostParseArgs(
    at org.broadinstitute.hellbender.cmdline.CommandLineProgram.instanceMain(
    at org.broadinstitute.hellbender.Main.runCommandLineProgram(
    at org.broadinstitute.hellbender.Main.mainEntry(
    at org.broadinstitute.hellbender.Main.main(

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