I have a gene expression matrix and I would like to cluster it and find different cell-types.
Let's suppose we would like to cluster our gene expression matrix (gene* cells) and use one of the clustering methods such as PCA, t-SNE, or whatever. Then let's imagine we have K clusters. Now, we would like to determine each cluster represents which cell types? Thus we find DEGs and sort them. Since DEGs are a list of gene names, after that we should determine the significant genes belong to which clusters, and based on these gene markers we classify the clusters. Am I right? Or is there any other ways?
I can use any clustering methods, but I do know at the end how to classify my clusters. Any help is appreciated.
I think extracting single components of the PCA (PC1, PC2, ..) will give you a list of the genes contributing the most to "separate" the clusters (in terms of covariance). I do believe that among the highest contributors you would find genes which are cell type-specific.