I already had python code for dinucleotide frequencies, so I simply added couple of lines to calculate the similarity between two vector numbers. When this code runs against GCA_016930515.1_ASM1693051v1_genomic.fna
, these are dinucleotide frequencies it outputs:
And this is what compseq
from EMBOSS calculates for the same file:
AA 513353 0.1283484 0.0625000 2.0535742
AC 169675 0.0424221 0.0625000 0.6787536
AG 204803 0.0512048 0.0625000 0.8192767
AT 414360 0.1035982 0.0625000 1.6575709
CA 210420 0.0526092 0.0625000 0.8417465
CC 142762 0.0356933 0.0625000 0.5710931
CG 144577 0.0361471 0.0625000 0.5783537
CT 202697 0.0506783 0.0625000 0.8108521
GA 261528 0.0653872 0.0625000 1.0461946
GC 127832 0.0319605 0.0625000 0.5113684
GG 142319 0.0355826 0.0625000 0.5693210
GT 170194 0.0425519 0.0625000 0.6808298
TA 316888 0.0792283 0.0625000 1.2676521
TC 260191 0.0650529 0.0625000 1.0408462
TG 210158 0.0525437 0.0625000 0.8406984
TT 507927 0.1269918 0.0625000 2.0318685
Now I added two distance measures (Euclidean & Manhattan) which equal zero when the two vectors are identical. There is also a cosine similarity which will be 1 when the two vectors are identical.
For the vector you listed above vs. the nucleotide file I used, this is what you get:
Euclidean distance: 0.138805
Manhattan distance: 0.463708
Cosine similarity: 0.871000
If you comment out your frequency vector and substitute with actual frequencies for this nucleotide file, this is what you get:
Euclidean distance: 0.000000
Manhattan distance: 0.000000
Cosine similarity: 1.000000
Save the code below as dinuc_composition_compare.py
and run:
python dinuc_composition_compare.py GCA_016930515.1_ASM1693051v1_genomic.fna
It will save a file with dinucleotide frequencies which you may not need, so feel free to comment out that part (the line that starts with df_dic.to_csv
import os
from math import sqrt
from decimal import Decimal
from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import manhattan_distances, euclidean_distances
import argparse
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from Bio import SeqIO
# https://dataaspirant.com/five-most-popular-similarity-measures-implementation-in-python/
def square_rooted(x):
return round(sqrt(sum([a*a for a in x])),3)
def cosine_similarity(x,y):
numerator = sum(a*b for a,b in zip(x,y))
denominator = square_rooted(x)*square_rooted(y)
return round(numerator/float(denominator),3)
# https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/python-count-overlapping-substring-in-a-given-string/
def CountOccurrences(string, substring):
str.count fails to count overlapping occurencies of the same word
This function fixes that.
# Initialize count and start to 0
count = 0
start = 0
# Search through the string till
# we reach the end of it
while start < len(string):
# Check if a substring is present from
# 'start' position till the end
pos = string.find(substring, start)
if pos != -1:
# If a substring is present, move 'start' to
# the next position from start of the substring
start = pos + 1
# Increment the count
count += 1
# If no further substring is present
# return the value of count
return count
def CalculateDinucComposition(NucleicSequence):
Calculate the composition of dinucleotides for a given nucleic sequence.
Input: nucleic is a pure nucleic sequence.
Output: result is a dict form containing the composition of
16 dinucleotides.
for i in NucLetter:
for j in NucLetter:
return Result
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
'\n Calculate dinucleotide composition of nucleic sequences.\n',
epilog='\n \n',
'input_file', help='path to the input .fna file')
args = parser.parse_args()
if os.access(args.input_file, os.R_OK):
FastaFile = open(args.input_file, 'rU')
'\n !!! Input file "%s" does not exist in this directory !!!\n' %
id_code = args.input_file.rsplit('.', 1)[0]
csv_di_name = args.input_file.rsplit('.', 1)[0] + '_2N.csv'
w = 0
for rec in SeqIO.parse(FastaFile, 'fasta'):
w = w + 1
name = rec.id
seq = str(rec.seq)
if w == 1:
df_dic = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(DiC,orient='index',dtype=np.int,columns=['count'])
df_dicc = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(DiC,orient='index',dtype=np.int,columns=['count'])
df_dic['count'] = df_dic['count'] + df_dicc['count']
aa_dic_sum = df_dic['count'].sum()
df_dic[id_code] = df_dic['count'] / aa_dic_sum
df_dic.drop(['count'], axis=1, inplace=True)
df_dic.sort_index(ascending=True, inplace=True)
dinuc_freqs = df_dic.values
df_dic = df_dic.transpose(copy=True)
df_dic.to_csv(csv_di_name, index=False, float_format='%.7f')
# Compare two number vectors
target = np.array([0.041247485, 0.054325956, 0.054325956, 0.06639839, 0.079476861, 0.068410463, 0.00804829, 0.099597586, 0.048289738, 0.042253521, 0.047283702, 0.063380282, 0.046277666, 0.09054326, 0.092555332, 0.097585513])
#target = np.array([0.1283484,0.0424221,0.0512048,0.1035982,0.0526092,0.0356933,0.0361471,0.0506783,0.0653872,0.0319605,0.0355826,0.0425519,0.0792283,0.0650529,0.0525437,0.1269918])
print('\n Euclidean distance:\t%.6f' % euclidean_distances(dinuc_freqs.reshape(1, -1), target.reshape(1, -1)))
print(' Manhattan distance:\t%.6f' % manhattan_distances(dinuc_freqs.reshape(1, -1), target.reshape(1, -1)))
print(' Cosine similarity:\t%.6f\n' % cosine_similarity(dinuc_freqs, target))
I just realized that the script below may not work for you as written. If a file has multiple sequences, it will read them all and calculate 2N frequencies for the group. This won't be a problem for fasta files with single sequences, but for multiple sequences the code needs to be changed around
if w == 1:
so it reads one sequence at a time and compares it to desired 2N frequencies.Thank you Mensur, you are right that this script is not for my purpose. In my case, no fasta sequences are involved. I already have a list of di-nucleotide frequencies of all the human cell mRNAs (I don't need to calculate frequencies). I just need to compare the distance of each "vector" in the list to a input vector with desired values, and find the vector in the list which has shortest "distance" to the input vector. I feel this is more of a "distance" comparison problem instead of di-nucleotide frequencies calculation problem.