I have trying to do Deseq2 analysis for mainly mutants vs controls. I have two covariates influencing the dataset - Gender and Genotype.
This is how my sample annotation file looks -
sample condition genotype gender
SK01 mutant hr F
SK02 mutant hr F
SK03 mutant hr M
SK04 mutant hr F
SK07 control het M
SK08 control het F
SK09 control het M
SK10 control het F
SK11 control hd F
SK12 control hd F
dds <- DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(countData = count_matrix,
colData = sample_annotation,
design = ~ gender + genotype + condition)
I am getting error
the model matrix is not full rank, so the model cannot be fit as specified
I saw a couple of issues earlier (https://support.bioconductor.org/p/64480/) but I am not understanding what to do for my case?
Do I need to change my annotation file?
Can someone please explain this in a simple way. I am not a biostatistician.