Hello I want to plot whole chromosome depth coverage plot each chromosome size is 50Mb and they have 130Kb deletion. but when I made a plot using python It can't detect 130kb deletion (I did 10kb binning) what is my problem?
this is my python script
import sys
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
input_file = sys.argv[1]
df = pd.read_table(input_file, sep = "\t", header = None)
y = [int(a) for a in df[2]]
n =10000
y_10000 = [y[i * n:(i + 1) * n] for i in range((len(y) + n - 1) // n )]
y_10000_mean = [sum(a)/len(a) for a in y_10000]
x = [b for b in range(len(y_10000_mean))]
plt.plot(x, y_10000_mean, '-', mfc='none' )
#plt.autoscale(enable = True)
plt.savefig(f'{input_file}_1kb.jpg', dpi = 500
this is deletion
this is whole chromosome (10kb binning)
Please provide a sample of your input table and the plot you are getting. Otherwise it will be difficult to help you.
I add figures . Thanks!