What commands do I enter using PLINK on Ubuntu to call and convert this hg19 BAM data set (66 samples) into a Genotype data format (txt, csv...) ?
Data: https://www.ebi.ac.uk/ena/browser/view/PRJEB42975?show=reads
Pardon if I've worded the question awkwardly, I'm rather new at this. I can provide more detailed context if needed -- any help would be much appreciated!
- bam and fastq.gz files from the link are also downloaded on my hard drive; I'm running on ubuntu with a Win10 OS.
Paper: https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.02.17.431423v1
I'm getting the following error when executing:
Is this an issue with the header descriptions being misread (spaces, comments)? If so, what command can I use to correct the error downstream with bcftools?
Thanks again for the pointers,
For reference, this is the command I'm using with the hg19.fa reference: