I am trying to calculate PRS in test sample after getting best SNPs from PRSice 2 with highest R2 My target data is in the form of bed,bim, fam for 22 chromosomes, I want to use plink for specific p-value threshold in this scenario,
plink2 \
--bfile T2test3 \ ## For one chromosome only
--score T2baseNoBMI.uniq.txt 2 4 6 header \
--q-score-range range_list SNP.pvalue \
--extract EUR.valid.snp \
--out EUR
This is working for just a single chromosome, I want to perform my analysis considering all autosomes and need a final final file with IIDs and their corresponding PRS based on all chromosome SNP information,
Please help
Ok. PRSice seems more convenient for me at this stage. So, In order to calculate the PRS in my test data, can I simply provide, GWAS base data, target data with these options, -bar-levels <p-value threshold> --no-full --fastscore? I cannot provide phenotype file because my independent sample comprised of 3 different phenotypic categories and I simply need to calculate the PRS at the specific threshold for specific individuals. I donot need bar plot and models with R2. Thanks
if you don't need the plots or R2, then add in
Thank you very much for your response!