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3.0 years ago
Dear colleagues
I used VEP to annotate a multisamples vcf file, but I get separate lines of the same variant, which corresponds to each sample.
here is an example of output
Location Allele IND ZYG
chr1:27868305-27868306 A sample1 HET
chr1:27868305-27868306 A sample2 HOM
chr1:27868305-27868306 A sample3 HET
I would like to get a single row for each variant, like this:
Location Allele IND ZYG
chr1:27868305-27868306 A sample1,sample2,sample3 HET,HOM,HET
Location Allele sample1 sample2 sample3
chr1:27868305-27868306 A HET HOM HET
Do you have an idea ?