Maybe something like this? It will return all genes in all KEGG pathways. If you are intrested in a subset of genes, subste the finalDF
with your genes of intrest:
NOTE As per the comment below, updated on 2021-11-29
db <- org.Hs.egPATH
# Get the entrez gene identifiers that are mapped to a KEGG pathway ID
mapped_genes <- mappedkeys(db)
# Convert to a list
mapped_genesList <- as.list(db[mapped_genes])
# converting list to dataframe
df <- plyr::ldply (mapped_genesList, data.frame)
mappedDF = data.frame(ENTREZ_ID = as.numeric(df[,1]), KEGG_ID = paste0("map",df[,2]))
# Retriving KEGG module data
url = ""
download.file(url, destfile = "~/keggM.json", method = "curl")
# reading json
document <- fromJSON(txt=url)
# parsing json
df = data.frame(Reduce(rbind, document))
# pathway modules
pathMod = df[2,2]
pathModDF = data.frame(Reduce(rbind, pathMod))
pathway_modules = data.frame(name =c(), modules = c(), path = c(), p1Path = c(), p2Path = c())
for(f in 1:dim(pathModDF)[1]){
for(i in 1:dim(pathModDF)[1]){
tmp = pathModDF[[2]][[i]]
for(j in 1:dim(tmp)[1]){
tmp2 = tmp[[2]][[j]]
tmp2$module = substr(tmp2$name,1,7)
tmp2$path = stringr::str_extract(string = tmp2$name, pattern = "(?<=\\[)[^{}]+(?=\\])")
tmp2$path = sub("PATH:", "", tmp2$path)
tmp2$p1Path = tmp[j,1]
tmp2$p2Path = pathModDF[f,1]
pathway_modules= rbind(pathway_modules, tmp2)
sigMod = df[3,2]
sigModDF = data.frame(Reduce(rbind, sigMod))
sig_modules = data.frame(name =c(), modules = c(), path = c(), p1Path = c(), p2Path = c())
for(f in 1:dim(sigModDF)[1]){
for(i in 1:dim(sigModDF)[1]){
tmp = sigModDF[[2]][[i]]
for(j in 1:dim(tmp)[1]){
tmp2 = tmp[[2]][[j]]
tmp2$module = substr(tmp2$name,1,7)
tmp2$path = stringr::str_extract(string = tmp2$name, pattern = "(?<=\\[)[^{}]+(?=\\])")
tmp2$path = sub("PATH:", "", tmp2$path)
tmp2$p1Path = tmp[j,1]
tmp2$p2Path = sigModDF[f,1]
sig_modules= rbind(sig_modules, tmp2)
pathway_modules$module_type = "pathway"
sig_modules$module_type = "signature"
keggModule = rbind(pathway_modules, sig_modules)
# module matrix
modMat = keggModule[,c(2,3)]
modMat = data.frame(cbind(keggModule[,2], stringr::str_split_fixed(keggModule$path, " ", 7))) # 7 maximum pathways assigned to a Module
modMat[modMat == ""] <- NA
# long dataframe fro module and pathway
path2Mod = data.frame(module = c(), path = c())
for(i in 2:ncol(modMat)){
tmp = modMat[,c(1,i)][![i]),]
names(tmp) = c("module", "path")
path2Mod = rbind(path2Mod, tmp)
path2Mod= path2Mod[!duplicated(paste0(path2Mod$module, path2Mod$path)),]
# joing datasets
kegg = merge(path2Mod, mappedDF, by.x = "path" , by.y ="KEGG_ID" , all.x = TRUE)
# removing duplicates in kegg dataset
keggdedup = kegg[!duplicated(paste0(kegg$module, kegg$ENTREZ_ID)),]
#final dataset
finalDF = aggregate(. ~ ENTREZ_ID, keggdedup[, c(2,3)], FUN = function(x)
toString(x), na.action = NULL)
I have a solution for pathway IDs in R that involves inverting one of the pathway to gene data structures from the gage library, but it doesn't address Module IDs.