Hi I am using Phylobayes and I need to visualize the .con.tree file after using the READBP command How canI visualize the tree in a phylogenetic manner?
Hi I am using Phylobayes and I need to visualize the .con.tree file after using the READBP command How canI visualize the tree in a phylogenetic manner?
I was having the same problem. Here is how I solved it:
Set the proper working directory where your tree is located:
load Ape:
Read the tree into R using Ape:
tree <- read.tree("dayhoff_bpcomp.con.tre")
Write the tree to an output file using Ape:
write.tree(tree, file = "tree.newick.tre")
I'm not sure why this works, as I cannot see any meaningful difference between the original tree and tree.newick.tre, they even have the same number of characters! However, once I went through these steps, figtree had no problem opening the tree.
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To which format does Phylobayes print out the trees? Is it newick format?