Any help would be much appreciated. My goal is to run the following for loop to generate a list of sample_id (which is actually isolation site) for a list of SRAs. However I get an error (see below) for each and every SRA.
for sra in `awk 'NR>1{print $1}' metadata.txt`
esearch -db sra -query $sra | efetch -format text | grep "sample_id" | sed 's/^.*G_DNA_//' | sed 's/"//' >> isolation_sites.txt
I also get the same error (see below) when I run it without the for loop, but instead a single line with just a single sample (i.e., no for loop).
esearch -db sra -query SRS056042 | efetch -format txt
The error is as follows:
curl: (23) Failed writing body
ERROR: curl command failed ( Tue Dec 7 14:17:34 EST 2021 ) with: 23
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
curl: (22) The requested URL returned error: 400
ERROR: curl command failed ( Tue Dec 7 14:17:35 EST 2021 ) with: 22 -d db=sra&
HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
WARNING: FAILURE ( Tue Dec 7 14:17:34 EST 2021 )
nquire -url efetch.fcgi -db sra -id x,dwn,f,chmod,entrez,entrezdirect,,gunzip,nquire,xtract.Darwin,xtract.Darwin.gz,Please,Unable,executable.,execute,following,locate,the,to,xtract -rettype txt -retmode text -tool edirect -edirect 16.2 -edirect_os Darwin -email home@JJGs-MacBook-Pro.local
The command below
does work for me on MacOS
the error message seems to indicate some sort of installation error.