Hi, can someone please check if these following steps are correct?
I am trying to add to my plants kraken2 db ("plant_original") few taxa genomes that I have downloaded from the NCBI website (alnus_glutinosa_GCA_003254965.1.fna, carpinus_fangiana_GCA_006937295.1.fna etc..).
for file in *.fna
kraken2-build --add-to-library $file --db PATH/kraken/plant_original
Masking low-complexity regions of new file... done. Added "alnus_glutinosa_GCA_003254965.1.fna" to library (PATH/kraken/plant_original)
Masking low-complexity regions of new file... done.
Added "carpinus_fangiana_GCA_006937295.1.fna" to library (PATH/kraken/plant_original)
Masking low-complexity regions of new file... done.
kraken2-build --build --db ~/kraken/plant_original
Creating sequence ID to taxonomy ID map (step 1)...
Sequence ID to taxonomy ID map already present, skipping map creation.
Estimating required capacity (step 2)...
Estimated hash table requirement: 73390180936 bytes Capacity estimation complete. [1h53m11.000s]
Building database files (step 3)... Hash table already present, skipping database file build. Database construction complete. [Total: 1h53m11.000s]
Then, I run kraken with one of my sample against this new updated plants db (I did not change the name of the db, is still called plant_original):
kraken2 --db PATH/kraken/plant_original --threads 8 --confidence 0.1 --report PATH/SB0new_report.txt PATH/SB0.fastq.gz --report-zero-counts --output PATH/SB0new_taxa.txt
However, the new kraken2 report is exactly the same as the old one and it did not find any hit to these new added taxa.
Previously, I did a blastn alignment of these sample’s reads with these exact same taxa (I created a small db with alnus_glutinosa_GCA_003254965.1.fna, carpinus_fangiana_GCA_006937295.1.fna etc..) and blastn could find some hits. So I was expecting that Kraken2 would have found these matches too.
Are these steps wrong or am I making some conceptual mistake?
I appreciate your help.
I think I'm running into similar problem. Have you found solution yet? I'm thinking I have to delete all the .k2d files and remake everything with new database (which will take a long time I think).