Hi all,
So I am currently attempting to use Enhanced volcano to visualise a set of RNA-seq data, but when I run the below script, I get back the error message below. Does anyone know what the problem is - I can't see anything wrong in the code.
Error in EnhancedVolcano(RV16_byweights, lab = RV16_byweights$SYMBOL, :
unused arguments (pCutoffCol = "adj.P.Val", max.overlaps = Inf, maxoverlapsConnectors = 50)
My File is labelled - RV16_byweights
Head of file:
My code:
EnhancedVolcano(RV16_byweights, #dataframe
lab = RV16_byweights$SYMBOL, #gene symbol for labels
x='logFC', y='P.Value', #values for axis
title='RV16 Volcano plot',
subtitle='With Quality Weights',
pCutoffCol = 'adj.P.Val', #use adjusted p value for cutoff value
pCutoff = 0.05, FCcutoff=0.5, #cutoff lines for graph
ylim = c(0, 10), #axis limits
xlim = c(-2, 4),
pointSize=2, labSize=3, #point and label size
colCustom = keyvals2, #custom colours set up above
colAlpha = 5,
legendPosition = 'bottom',
legendLabSize = 10,
legendIconSize = 5,
axisLabSize = 10,
xlab = 'LogFC',
drawConnectors = TRUE, #lines from labels to dots
widthConnectors = 0.25, #width of connectors
max.overlaps = 20,
maxoverlapsConnectors = 50, #max number of overlaps allowed
colConnectors = 'black',
boxedLabels = FALSE, #box around labels
arrowheads = FALSE,
gridlines.major = TRUE,
gridlines.minor = FALSE,
border = 'full',
borderWidth = 1,
borderColour = 'black',
The dev has made it clear that he'd prefer such questions were posted on the Bioconductor support site. If you post it there, he'll likely be able to help you out.